About Me
My name is Sujan Kumar Saha
As a Product Designer, I specialize in creating intuitive, user-friendly experiences that engage customers and drive the success of businesses. My ability to understand user needs, analyze data, and create effective solutions are key to my success. I have extensive experience in user research, user interface design, user testing, and product strategy.
I am highly skilled in using industry-standard design approaches. Also, I am passionate about solving complex problems, creating delightful experiences, and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. I am ready to bring my design skills to your business and help you create a world-class user experience.
My philosophy for work-life balance
Prioritize self-care, then family, and finally work, ensuring a sustainable and fulfilling journey in the long run.
As UX designers, our passion for innovation and problem-solving often drives us to immerse ourselves in our work, which can inadvertently lead to neglecting personal commitments and family time. However, failing our family life affects our emotional well-being and can also impact our creativity and productivity in the long run.
Industry Experience
I have experience in Healthcare, Oil and Gas, Finance, IT Services, Retail, E-commerce and News & Media industries.
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My Key Achievements
I am thrilled to receive the prestigious Accenture Inventor Award in FY22, recognizing my innovative contributions to the organization. This achievement reflects my commitment to driving cutting-edge solutions and pushing the boundaries of technology.
UX Skills
As an experienced product designer passionate about crafting seamless user experiences that delight and engage. Proficient in understanding business goals and user needs to create intuitive digital solutions.
UI Design Tools
Proficient in creating wireframing and prototyping to create intuitive digital solutions.
Technical Skills
Proficient in crafting visually appealing web experiences through HTML and CSS, with a keen eye for design and user experience.
Leadership Skills
As a leader, I strive to inspire and guide my teams with unwavering wisdom and empathy. I believe in being a true partner in any endeavour, working together towards a common goal. I must create a safe and supportive environment where everyone can thrive and contribute unique perspectives.
My UX Bookshelf:
- Think Like a UX Researcher: How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy – by David Travis
(One of my favourites book. I’m sure you also love it too!) - The Design Thinking Playbook – by Michael Lewrick
(Whether you think you can apply the correct process for the right situation.) - Lean UX Designing Great Products with Agile Teams – by Jeff Gothelf, Josh Seiden
(Must read) - Storytelling with Data: Let’s Practice! – by Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic
(After reading this book, your confidence will undoubtedly increase) - 100 Things Every Designer Needs to Know About People – by Susan Weinschenk
(This is an amazing book should be kept within easy reach at all times for reference.)
My Spiritual Bookshelf:
- Think & Grow Rich -by Napolean Hill
(Awesome book) - You can Heal Your Life -by Louise L. Hay
- POWER OF NEUROPLASTICITY Paperback – by Shad Helmstetter Ph.d.
- The Miracle Morning: The Not-So-Obvious Secret Guaranteed to Transform Your Life (Before 8AM) -by Hal Elrod
(The book change my life) - Find Your WHY – by Simon Sinek